Are you looking for a place to present your business? ExpoRomania is the right place where you will meet representatives of the European Parliament, specialists from you area, colleagues and clients who are eager to meet you.
Develop your entrepreneurship abilities and learn marketing, optimization and growth techniques of your company on the Romanian, Belgian and other international markets.
Ești în căutare de parteneri de încredere cu care să devii lider în domeniul tău de activitate? ExpoRomânia este locul perfect în care vei cunoaște antreprenori din aproape toate domeniile de activitate și unde vei lega relații de parteneriat și de prietenie care îți vor propulsa afacerea la un alt nivel.
According to the chosen package, the participants will have the opportunity to visit the European Parliament and other successful businesses from Belgium.
The participants will have the opportunity to attend brainstormig discussions during the brunches held each day of the event.
Find out the latest news form the European business environment and learn how to access the European funds allocated for your area of interest.